In the next part we want to make a more complex game. In light of this, we can ask ourselves “What parts of our code are re-useable across different card games?”
CardNumber | Re-usable |
Card | Re-usable |
printOut(hand) | Re-usable |
newDeck | Re-usable |
Game | other games may have many hands or face up cards |
pickupCard | only work for our definition of Game |
shuffle | Re-usable |
moveUpLines | Re-usable |
printScreen | only prints our game |
loopGame | (loopGame will need to be tweaked to make it more general) Re-usable |
updateGame | this is our specific game logic |
play | runs our game only |
We would like to generalise the loopGame()
function so that it can operate on any kind of “Game”, as it doesn’t actually need to know any about the specifics of how the game works.
In F#, we can say that the type of something can be anything, as long as it’s consistent using a type parameter. A Type parameter is shown in F# by starting with a single apostrophe before the name of the label -
. Usually, type parameters are a single capital letter, but they can be anything that starts with a letter (e.g.'myAwesomeTypeParameter_Variable
).When we use a type parameter, we add the list of type parameters used in the function after the function name in angle brackets. This gives users and the compiler a hint that this function is generic.
let doAwesome<'A, 'B, 'C> (something: 'A) (another: 'A) (b:int) : 'C = ...
This enforces that
must have the same type, then followed byb
that is anint
, and the function returns a value of another type again.
So, we can modify our loopGame
function to take any kind of Game object
let loopGame (updater: Game -> char -> Game) (initialGame: Game) =
let loopGame<'G> (updater: 'G -> char -> 'G) (initialGame: 'G) =
We also identified that the printScreen
function is specific to our game, so we will need to supply it to the loopGame
let loopGame<'G> (printScreen: 'G -> 'G) (updater: 'G -> char -> 'G) (initialGame: 'G) =
TIP: F# uses the type
to mean a nothing. Other languages can use the word void or null.
Separate the general stuff into a Core module, followed by a Pickup module
open System
module Core =
let COLOR_DEFAULT = "\x1B[0m"
let COLOR_RED = "\x1B[91m"
let COLOR_BLACK = "\x1B[90m"
type CardNumber =
| Two
| Three
| Four
| Five
| Six
| Seven
| Eight
| Nine
| Ten
| Jack
| Queen
| King
| Ace
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Two -> "2 "
| Three -> "3 "
| Four -> "4 "
| Five -> "5 "
| Six -> "6 "
| Seven -> "7 "
| Eight -> "8 "
| Nine -> "9 "
| Ten -> "10"
| Jack -> "J "
| Queen -> "Q "
| King -> "K "
| Ace -> "A "
type Card =
| Hearts of CardNumber
| Diamonds of CardNumber
| Clubs of CardNumber
| Spades of CardNumber
| Joker
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Hearts x -> $"{COLOR_RED}\u2665{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
| Diamonds x -> $"{COLOR_RED}\u2666{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
| Clubs x -> $"{COLOR_BLACK}\u2663{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
| Spades x -> $"{COLOR_BLACK}\u2660{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
| Joker -> "Jok"
let printOut (hand: 'a seq) =
"[" + String.Join("] [", hand) + "]"
let newDeck =
let suits = [Hearts; Diamonds; Clubs; Spades]
let numbers = [
Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven; Eight; Nine; Ten;
Jack; Queen; King; Ace
List.allPairs suits numbers
|> (fun (suit, number) -> suit number)
let rec shuffle deck =
let random = System.Random()
match deck with
| [] -> []
| [a] -> [a]
| _ ->
let randomPosition = random.Next(deck.Length)
let cardAtPosition = deck[randomPosition]
let rest = deck |> List.removeAt randomPosition
[cardAtPosition] @ (shuffle rest)
//moves the cursor up "n" lines
let moveUpLines n =
printfn "\x1B[%dA" n
let combineUpdate printScreen updater game command =
let updated = updater game command
printScreen updated
let loopGame<'G>
(printScreen: 'G -> unit)
(updater: 'G -> char -> 'G)
(initialGame: 'G) =
printScreen initialGame
(fun _ -> Console.ReadKey().KeyChar |> Char.ToLowerInvariant)
|> Seq.initInfinite
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> x <> 'q')
|> Seq.fold (combineUpdate printScreen updater) initialGame
//////////////////// OUR SIMPLE PICKUP GAME ////////////////////
module Pickup =
open Core
type Game = {
deck: Card list
hand: Card list
} with
override this.ToString() =
$"[###] - {this.deck.Length}\n" + (printOut this.hand)
let pickupCard (game: Game) =
match game.deck with
| [] -> failwith "No cards left!!!"
| [a] -> { hand = game.hand @ [a]; deck = [] }
| a::rest -> { hand = game.hand @ [a]; deck = rest }
let printPickupScreen game =
printfn "===Pickup Cards==="
printfn "%O" game
printfn "<p>ickup card <q>uit"
moveUpLines 5
let updateGame game command =
match command with
| 'p' -> game |> pickupCard
| _ -> game
let play() =
let startingpoint =
deck = newDeck |> shuffle
hand = []
loopGame printPickupScreen updateGame startingpoint
// DO IT!