FCards - Solitaire

14. A simple one-player game

Let’s play a real game!

What’s a popular single-player game that we can try - Solitaire, or course!

First we’ll list out some interesting bits of the Solitaire game:


Let’s start with dealing:

It may look something like:

| 1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |
[###] [###] [###] [###] [###] [♥A ]
[###] [###] [###] [###] [♥K ]     
[###] [###] [###] [♦8 ]          
[###] [###] [♠8 ]               
[###] [♠Q ]                    

Deck:  [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[###]

Cards have two sides

Note that now our model for a card in a stack is a bit more complex. Sometimes the card is face-up and sometimes it is face-down. We should incorporate that into our model (and make it easier for our future selves to print-out)

type StackCard = {
  card: Card
  isFaceUp: bool
} with 
    override this.ToString() =
      if this.isFaceUp then

Exercise: Deal the cards out

Given that the model for our game would look like:

let Game = {
  deck: Card list
  table: Card list
  stacks: StackCard list list

Write the dealing function that populates the deck and the stacks, leaving the table empty.

See an answer

let deal shuffledDeck = 
  let emptyGame = {
    deck = shuffledDeck
    table = []
    stacks = []
  [6..-1..1]  // a sequence of numbers from 6 to 1 in steps of -1 (i.e. backwards)
  |>  List.fold (fun game i -> 
        let newStack = 
          |> List.take i                        
          |> List.mapi           // flip the last card
            (fun n card -> { isFaceUp = (n = i - 1); card=card}) 
          stacks = game.stacks @ [ newStack ]
          deck = game.deck |> List.skip i
          table = []
      ) emptyGame

Code so far

// Load the contents of another file
#load "ch13_core.fsx"
// ... and then open the file's module (automatically prefixed with filename)
open Ch13_core.Core

module Solitaire =
  open System
  type StackCard = {
    card: Card
    isFaceUp: bool
  } with 
      override this.ToString() =
        if this.isFaceUp then

  type Game = {
    deck: Card list
    table: Card list
    stacks: StackCard list list

  let deal shuffledDeck = 
    let emptyGame = {
      deck = shuffledDeck
      table = []
      stacks = []
    [6..-1..1]  // a sequence of numbers from 6 to 1 in steps of -1 (i.e. backwards)
    |>  List.fold (fun game i -> 
          let newStack = 
            |> List.take i                        // flip the last card
            |> List.mapi (fun n card -> { isFaceUp = (n = i - 1); card=card}) 
            stacks = game.stacks @ [ newStack ]
            deck = game.deck |> List.skip i
            table = []
        ) emptyGame

// DO IT!
|> shuffle 
|> Solitaire.deal