FCards - Solitaire

17. Organising Projects

We now have code for print stuff, code for change the game, the game itself, and more. There is quite a bit of code!

So far it has all been in one file that can be easily executed in the interpreter (fsi), but now it’s starting to get unwieldy. So this chapter is going to be a bit of admin on creating a “project” that can be built and run as a .NET program.


A project is a group of code that can be compiled into a single executable, or library (e.g. dll).

To create an F# Console App project we can use the dotnet cli. We need to specify that it should be for F# and we want to name it “Solitaire”

dotnet new console -lang F# -n Solitaire

This will create a Program.fs file and a simple project file like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <Compile Include="Program.fs" />


You can now build and run the program!

dotnet run

> Hello from F#

The Solitaire project

I have broken down our single solitaire code block into a number of file and added them to the project (including the core cards code from chapter 13)

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <Compile Include="cards.fs" />
    <Compile Include="model.fs" />
    <Compile Include="actions.fs" />
    <Compile Include="printing.fs" />
    <Compile Include="Program.fs" />


TIP: F# is compiled in a single-pass, so we have to put the files in our project in the correct order so that things are defined before they are used

You can copy the contents of the code below, or just download it as a zip file to get you started .

Code so far


module Cards
open System

let COLOR_DEFAULT = "\x1B[0m"
let COLOR_RED = "\x1B[91m"
let COLOR_BLACK = "\x1B[90m"

let SYMBOL_HEART = "\u2665"
let SYMBOL_DIAMOND = "\u2666"
let SYMBOL_CLUB = "\u2663"
let SYMBOL_SPADE = "\u2660"

type CardNumber =
  | Two 
  | Three
  | Four
  | Five
  | Six
  | Seven
  | Eight
  | Nine
  | Ten
  | Jack
  | Queen
  | King
  | Ace
    override this.ToString() = 
      match this with 
      | Two -> "2 "
      | Three -> "3 "
      | Four -> "4 "
      | Five -> "5 "
      | Six -> "6 "
      | Seven -> "7 "
      | Eight -> "8 "
      | Nine -> "9 "
      | Ten -> "10"
      | Jack -> "J "
      | Queen -> "Q "
      | King -> "K "
      | Ace -> "A "

type Card = 
  | Hearts of CardNumber
  | Diamonds of CardNumber
  | Clubs of CardNumber
  | Spades of CardNumber
  | Joker
    override this.ToString() = 
      match this with 
      | Hearts x -> $"{COLOR_RED}{SYMBOL_HEART}{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
      | Diamonds x -> $"{COLOR_RED}{SYMBOL_DIAMOND}{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
      | Clubs x ->  $"{COLOR_BLACK}{SYMBOL_CLUB}{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
      | Spades x ->  $"{COLOR_BLACK}{SYMBOL_SPADE}{x}{COLOR_DEFAULT}"
      | Joker -> "Jok"

let printOut (hand: 'a seq) =  
  "[" + String.Join("] [", hand) + "]"

let newDeck = 
  let suits = [Hearts; Diamonds; Clubs; Spades]
  let numbers = [
    Two; Three; Four; Five; Six; Seven; Eight; Nine; Ten;
    Jack; Queen; King; Ace
  List.allPairs suits numbers
  |> List.map (fun (suit, number) -> suit number)

let rec shuffle deck = 
  let random = System.Random()
  match deck with 
  | [] -> []
  | [a] -> [a]
  | _ ->
      let randomPosition = random.Next(deck.Length)
      let cardAtPosition = deck[randomPosition]
      let rest = deck |> List.removeAt randomPosition
      [cardAtPosition] @ (shuffle rest)

//moves the cursor up "n" lines
let moveUpLines n = 
  printfn "\x1B[%dA" n

let combineUpdate printScreen updater game command = 
  updater game command
  |> printScreen

let loopGame<'G> 
    (printScreen: 'G -> 'G) 
    (updater: 'G -> char -> 'G) 
    (initialGame: 'G) = 
  printScreen initialGame |> ignore
  (fun _ -> Console.ReadKey().KeyChar |> Char.ToLowerInvariant)
  |> Seq.initInfinite
  |> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> x <> 'q')
  |> Seq.fold (combineUpdate printScreen updater) initialGame


module Solitaire.Model

open System
open Cards

type StackCard = {
  card: Card
  isFaceUp: bool
} with 
    override this.ToString() =
      if this.isFaceUp then

type Game = {
  deck: Card list
  table: Card list
  stacks: StackCard list list


module Solitaire.Printing

open System
open Cards
open Solitaire.Model

let clearLine = "\x1B[K"

let printHeader game =
  printfn "%s============ Solitaire =============" clearLine

let printStacks game = 
  printfn "%s| 1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |" clearLine
  [0..19] |> List.iter (fun cardNum ->
    [0..5] |> List.map (fun stackNum ->
      if game.stacks[stackNum].Length > cardNum then 
        |> sprintf "[%O]"
        // the stack is out of cards
          "     "         
    |> fun strings -> String.Join (" ", strings)
    |> printfn "%s%s" clearLine
  game //pass it on to the next function

let printTable game =
  let tableLine = 
    match game.table with 
    | []  -> ""
    | a -> 
      String.init a.Length (fun _ -> "[")
      + a.Head.ToString()
      + "]"
  printfn "%s" clearLine //spacer
  printfn "%sTable: %s" clearLine tableLine

let printDeck game =
  let deckLine = String.init game.deck.Length (fun _ -> "[") 
  printfn "%sDeck:  %s###]" clearLine deckLine

let printCommands game =
  printfn "%s<d>raw cards, <1-6> put on stack, <q>uit" clearLine

let printMoveToTop game =
  let maxCardInAnyStack = 
    |> List.map (fun stack -> stack.Length )
    |> List.max
  let n = 
    1 //header
    + 1 //stack numbers
    + 21 //stacks
    + 1 //table
    + 1 //deck
    + 1 //commands
    + 1 //current line
  moveUpLines n

let printScreen game = 
  |> printMoveToTop
  |> printHeader
  |> printStacks
  |> printTable
  |> printDeck
  |> printCommands


module Solitaire.Actions

open System
open Cards
open Solitaire.Model

let deal shuffledDeck = 
  let emptyGame = {
    deck = shuffledDeck
    table = []
    stacks = []
  |>  List.fold (fun game i -> 
        let newStack = 
          |> List.take i                        // flip the last card
          |> List.mapi (fun n card -> { isFaceUp = (n = i - 1); card=card}) 
          stacks = game.stacks @ [ newStack ]
          deck = game.deck |> List.skip i
          table = []
      ) emptyGame

let (|Number|_|) (ch:Char) =
  match Char.GetNumericValue(ch) with
  | -1.0 -> None
  | a -> a |> int |> Some

let drawCards game =
  let withEnoughCardsToDraw =
    match game.deck.Length with
    | n when n < 3 -> 
      // create a new game that's just like the old one
      //  but with the following differences.
      //  (really useful if you have a lot of parts but only want to change a couple)
      {game with  
        deck = game.deck @ game.table
        table = []
    | _ -> game
  // in case there is less than 3 remaining
  let cardsToTake = Math.Min(3, withEnoughCardsToDraw.deck.Length)  
  {withEnoughCardsToDraw with
    table = 
      (withEnoughCardsToDraw.deck |> List.take cardsToTake)
      @ withEnoughCardsToDraw.table //(new cards on top)
    deck = withEnoughCardsToDraw.deck |> List.skip cardsToTake

// a helper to add a card to a numbered stack
let addToStack (stackNum:int) (card:Card) (stacks: StackCard list list) =
  let updatedStack = stacks[stackNum] @ [ { isFaceUp=true; card=card} ]
  stacks |> List.updateAt stackNum updatedStack

let tableToStack stackNum game =
  match game.table with 
  | [] -> game // do nothing
  | [a] -> 
    {game with 
      table = []; 
      stacks = game.stacks |> addToStack stackNum a 
  | a::rest -> 
    {game with 
      table = rest; 
      stacks = game.stacks |> addToStack stackNum a 

type SolitaireCommands = 
  | DrawCards
  | TableToStack of int

let applyCommand (cmd: SolitaireCommands) (game: Game) =
  match cmd with 
  | DrawCards -> game |> drawCards
  | TableToStack a -> game |> tableToStack (a - 1)

let updateGame game command =
  match command with 
  | 'd' -> game |> applyCommand DrawCards
  | Number a when (a >= 1 && a <= 6) -> game |> applyCommand (TableToStack a)
  | _ -> game



open Cards
open Solitaire

  |> shuffle 
  |> Actions.deal 
  |> loopGame Printing.printScreen Actions.updateGame
  |> ignore   // a program is expected to return `unit` (i.e. nothing), but the above returns a Game
              //  `ignore()` takes anything as an input and returns `unit`